well people of mumbai are fed up with bhaiyas from bihar who have spoiled this great city of
mumbai.raj saheb was right that mumbai has become a safe haven for bihares who have come
into mumbai.They stay in small rooms full with 6to 7 people....who says that they cannot afford
a decent house in mumbai..They earn a lot but nooo they only want to buy property in their own
bihar...yes people of mumbai they have bunglows in bihar and their familys are rich ....the dhobiwala and the bhelpuriwalas in mumbai have bunglows in bihar...they are dirty 2..no sence
of hygene..when is mumbai gonna get rid of them...people like abu azmi and sanjay nirupam
like to support them ....why ...mumbai ...for the votes they get frm them ...even they do not
care for them ...mumbaikars support raj thackrey to get rid of this menace...bye for now..
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